Wednesday, December 8, 2010

It's not me, it's YOU

I love the Library. It's free, I always seem to live very close to one, and it's free. Yeah, I know I said that twice. Reading regular print books is next to impossible, so I get some Large print ones. Not totally comfortable, but it is a little something. The selections always suck, however, unless one is really hooked on Jacqueline Susan, Bill O' Reilly (YUCK) or John Grisham. Nothing against most of them, but I am interested in more literary works and in Non fiction tough subjects. They don't seem to make large print in those. The good part, unlike years ago, you can go online and reserve any book from anywhere else in the county, greatly improving the selections.

What I really like are the audiobooks. They come on CD and I convert them to MP3s and put them in my player. You can even download electronic audio from the library. Sweet. I listen to them while I make my artwork. Non Fiction for the tougher parts and fiction for the easier parts of the work. You have to concentrate much harder on fiction, at least I do. It has taken me years to get acclimated to audiobooks, to where they feel like I am actually having "The Reading Experience" but I think I am finally there. Much like many of the aspects of my Visual impairment, it has taken many years for the new adjustments to feel normal.

I had a couple of audiobooks on reserve at the Library so I decided to take a walk down there, a big fat 3 blocks away.. Its really cold. I had a hood on and my Immigrant style hat and my blackest shades because light hurts like fuck and makes me blinder after exposure.. On the way back I started to pass the neighbors driveway. They usually have a bunch of kids of various ages playing in the street in front of the house. The kids are friendly, the adults not. Suddenly I realized, a bit late, a big ol' stupid ass SUV was backing out. I don't think they looked back at all. I was about in the midway across the back when I realized it was about a foot and a half away.


They didn't stop right away. About 8 inches.

Then they beeped at me.

If they leaned out to say something I would've went off. Well, not off, but in a very pointed and direct way. I made sure they saw me take my hood off, so they could recognize me, as I quickly cut over their lawn onto my lawn and looked at them. Assholes.

The onus is on the driver. I have the right of way. Why? Because the driver is in control of the instrument of death, not the pedestrian. I can only see in front of my face so this is a hazard I deal with regularly. I go to and from the Library, cutting across lawns and parking lots, to minimize the odds of some idiot texting fuckhead running me down. And where do I almost buy it? 15 feet from my fucking house. Then they have the Balls to beep at me like many an asshole driver,
"How dare you protest your impending death under the wheels of the vehicle I presume to control. How dare you Yell out at ME! How dare you point out what I should already know! I shall beep back rather than apologize."

What you didn't know, oh road rage beep back at the object of the demise you may cause, is that I AM YOUR FUCKING NEIGHBOR. I am not some stranger who will move past, never to be seen again. I would expect a normal person to feel like a douche, but those who beep back when THEY are the drivers causing danger are assholes of such humongous proportions I cannot measure the depths of your douchbaggery for it is Legion.

I see my Death. It is under the wheels of some Narcissistic fuckhead like YOU.

Oh, The Humanity.

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